Channel Connect
Channel Connect Partners
CHANNEL CONNECT PARTNERS (Channel for growth, Channel for all)
Personal Details
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Company Details
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Channel Partner needs to adhere to the below guidelines:
  • Have a registered office address
  • Provide details of PAN card, and GST number
  • Mention "realty" name during any communication with their prospective customers
  • Significantly influence in the closing of a sale as evidenced by accompanying the prospective customer to the project site, introducing the prospective customer to the sales team member/relationship manager and bringing the prospective customer to Channel connect Head Office for booking the unit
  • Communicate project related details to the prospective customer as per Channel Connect guidelines, for instance with respect to payment time-lines, project completion dates, project details. The booking form, Home Buyers guide, Project pricing and payment schedule, Sale and Construction agreements are good references
  • Not misuse the "Channel Connect" brand name for personal benefit, for example CHANNEL CONNECT may have privilege offers which the channel partner must not use for their advantage
  • Abide by the CHANNEL brand guidelines on advertising materials and clearly mention their own company name, contact details on all marketing collateral's developed and/or used
  • Not indulge in sharing of channel partner fee with customers / CHANNEL CONNECT personnel nor attract prospective customers through sharing of fee or similar offers
  • Not unnecessarily interfere with the day to day functioning at project sites, Marketing and Sales offices, Corporate office
  • As part of the relationship with CHANNEL CONNECT, the Channel Partner is expected to follow the below in their role:
  • Communicate and share details about CHANNEL's projects with prospective customers
  • Indulge in bringing up new market opportunities to CHANNEL CONNECT
  • Document each discussion with prospective customer
  • Influence the prospective customer to take quick informed buying decisions
  • On conclusion of a deal, ensure that the appropriate booking form is filled by the customer in complete and the customer is introduced to the channel partner's sales team member
  • Follow up with customer to collect the dues with respect to the initial Payment Request Letter or 10% (whichever is higher)
  • Keep the sales pipeline busy with a steady stream of new customers
    I, hereby, declare that all the above mentioned information provided by me is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and I am submitting this on-boarding form to register with CHANNEL CONNECT as a Channel Partner and I have read and shall abide by the organization's notes provided below.
  • Appointment of channel partner is at the absolute discretion of CHANNEL CONNECT. SOBHA may accept or reject the application without providing any reason
  • Incomplete application and not accompanied with appropriate documents (such as Constitution documents and Registration certificates issued by Commercial Taxes Department/GST Authorities) will not be processed
  • The Applicant confirms that he/she is not involved in any economic offences, tax default or moral turpitude



+91 -7277939399